Today morning, I left early from home to catch a bus to Pune. A stranger aunty in her mid 50s sat besides me.Waking up early morning I was still sleepy and decided to catch some sleep in the journey.But the aunty besides me started conversation and inquired about me,where I was going,the route the bus was going by,and the sequence of stops the bus would stop by....Just to complete my counterpart for the conversation I inquired where was she going.
"Pune",she said.
And I worried that if she was going to keep talking till Pune (& not let me sleep).
She also complained about her ill health and I tried to show some sympathy.
She finally asked me if I could call her daughter from my cell and i said "Sure", wondering if atleast I could escape from the conversation after the call.
Few seconds after the call she rolled over my shoulder.
I jumped into my seat to find her unconscious.Eyes closed.
I called the driver and told him to take the bus to some hospital.The hospital was five kms away.I checked her pulse rate.It was almost nil.
We arrived at the hospital just to find that the doctor was out on vacation.The bus headed to the other hospital.
All the fellow passengers helped to take aunty to the hospital.
The doctor examined her and asserted that she had a heart attack.
I redialed the no. which she had previously dialed from my cell.And told her daughter about the incident along with the address of the hospital she was admitted to.
My hands shivered as I talked with her. "Don't worry,she will be alright", a fellow passenger said to me looking me panicked.
"Ya, I pray the same" I said.
Our panic-stricken bus left for the rest of the journey as I sat alone on my seat.
The doctor called me few minutes later and said "She is no more".